Source code for ps.herald.ps_neelix

import click
import datetime
import socket
import sys
import time
import traceback
from ps.basic import Config
from ps.herald import create_app, __version__
from ps.herald import database
from ps.herald.model import Log, HeartBeat


Dear Madam/Sir, <br>
 Neelix found a misbehaviour while analyzing the log on %(hostname)s
 The misbehaviour is  on system_id [%(system_id_p)s].

 The cause of the trigger was: [%(cause_p)s], the firing
 rule was [%(value_p)s].

 This event will be inserted into the logging messages of
 system [%(system_id_p)s]
 as an ERROR Event - by neelix.

 Please consult the Deployment Monitor for further information.


In case of questions ... contact  _EP-Produktionsstrecke .

[docs]def react(system_id_p, cause_p, value_p, row_p): """ - system_id_p Name of the system for which we react - cause_p Name of the cause e.g. PATTERN or AGE - value_p Value of the cause - row_p table-row of the logging table correlated to the event """ global VERBOSE session = database.get_session() logger = Config.logger logger.debug( f"Neelix reacts {system_id_p} : {cause_p} {value_p}", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) mail_to = "" for name, value in Config.config_parser.items(system_id_p): if name == "mail_to": mail_to = value.split(",") if mail_to == "": mail_to = [Config.l_admin_mail] # message = message.message hostname = socket.gethostname() Config.send_a_mail( f"neelix@{hostname}", mail_to, f"neelix {system_id_p} {cause_p}", TEXT_OF_THE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE % (locals()), # logger_p = logger, ) message = f"Neelix added Notification {cause_p} for {system_id_p}" row = Log( system_id=system_id_p, message=message, levelno=30, created=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ) session.add(row) logger.debug( f"neelix react added new log entry {str(row)} ", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) session.commit()
[docs]def notify(system_id_p, starting_at_p, till_p): global TEST_ONLY if system_id_p not in Config.config_parser.sections(): return session = database.get_session() logger = Config.logger msg_pattern = "Not defined yet" allowed_age = 9999999999999999999999999 logger.debug( "notify: check %s from %s to %s " % (system_id_p, starting_at_p, till_p), extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) for name, value in Config.config_parser.items(system_id_p): if name == "msg": msg_pattern = value if name == "age": allowed_age = eval(value) try: rows = ( session.query(Log) .filter( Log.created >= starting_at_p, Log.created < till_p, Log.system_id == system_id_p, ) .all() ) # # Check the MSG content filter # for row in rows: if msg_pattern in str(row.message): logger.debug( "For %s found a PATTERN Log Entry %s " % (str(row)), extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) react(system_id_p, "PATTERN FOUND", "msg_pattern", row) # # Check the age filter # newest = ( session.query(Log) .filter(Log.system_id == system_id_p) .order_by(Log.created.desc()) .first() ) try: # time_created = time.strptime( # newest.created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" # ) seconds_newest = time.mktime( time.strptime(newest.created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") ) seconds_now = time.mktime( time.strptime(str(till_p), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") ) except Exception: # noqa: F841 # time_created = time.strptime( # newest.created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # noqa: F841 seconds_newest = time.mktime( time.strptime(newest.created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) seconds_now = time.mktime( time.strptime(str(till_p), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") ) real_age = seconds_now - seconds_newest logger.debug( f"For {system_id_p} the last log message is aged {real_age}\ seconds: allowed are {allowed_age} seconds", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) if allowed_age < (seconds_now - seconds_newest): logger.debug( f"For {system_id_p} found an AGE Log Entry {str(newest)}", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) react(system_id_p, "SYSTEM HEARTBEAT FAILURE", "age", newest) if TEST_ONLY: if system_id_p == "neelix": react(system_id_p, "HURZ", "test", newest) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) logger.exception( "Exception in notify", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) session.rollback()
[docs]def check(): """[summary] Go through the systemid's found in the database: - check if somebody needs notification - update the hearbeat of the systemid """ initial_heart_beat_date = "0000-01-01 14:05:39" NOW = session = database.get_session() logger = Config.logger logger.debug( "Called", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) try: rows = session.query(Log.system_id).distinct().all() for row in rows: system_id = row[0] print(f"SYSTEM_ID: {system_id}") if system_id == "None": continue try: old_heartbeat_entry = ( session.query(HeartBeat) .filter(HeartBeat.system_id == system_id) .all()[0] ) newest_heartbeat = old_heartbeat_entry.newest_heartbeat except Exception: newest_heartbeat = initial_heart_beat_date notify(system_id, newest_heartbeat, NOW) try: session.query(HeartBeat).filter( HeartBeat.system_id == system_id ).delete() row = HeartBeat(system_id=system_id, newest_heartbeat=NOW) session.add(row) session.commit() except Exception: logger.exception( "Exception in check - rollback session", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) session.rollback() print("Except update") except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) logger.exception( "Exception in check - rollback session", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) session.rollback()
@click.command() @click.option( "--extra", "-x", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="internal tests only", ) @click.option( "--verbose", "-v", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="set verbose mode", ) @click.option( "--debug", "-d", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="set debug mode", ) @click.option( "--test_only", "-t", is_flag=True, help="print only what would be done" ) def main(verbose, debug, extra, test_only): """ Neelix scans the log and triggers actions. It's work is based on two models:\n - Log\n - HeartBeat\n First it analyses the Log-model, which Log.system-id's are available. For each system_id, the log is analyzed, if "reactions" should be triggered. Reactions are defined in the configuration File. Each system_id has it's own configuration section. Within each section currently two values could be defined: - MSG\n - AGE\n If either of these values is defined a parameter "MAIL_TO" has to be defined. Tho these addresses (a comma seperated list of email recipients Emails will be sent - alerting the error. e.g: \n \n [ch2eu] \n, \n MSG="If this text would be found a message would be send." \n #AGE Value is given in seconds \n AGE=60*60*2 \n [hu2hu] \n, \n #AGE Value is given in seconds \n AGE=60*60*2 \n \n Would consider the only logging-messages from the system-is's ch2eu \n and hu2hu. No other system_id will be analyzed. Reactions will be triggered, if: \n \n - either we did not see a log message for the last 2 \n hours in the two systems \n - or in the ch2eu a logging msg appeared having a text \n like MSG " \n \n """ global TEST_ONLY TEST_ONLY = test_only click.echo("ps_neelix. Debug mode is %s" % ("on" if debug else "off")) if extra: return 0 app = create_app("ps_neelix", have_config_file=True) Config.logger.debug( "ps_neelix started", extra={"package_version": __version__} ) Config.log_config_data() with app.app_context(): check() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())