ps herald :Version: 1.4.2

The ps.herald package provides three tools usable to monitor the behaviour of distributed applications

Herald’s functionality is based on the Config module, defined in the Within that documentation you’ll be enabled to use the ps.basic.Config mechanisms (especially the logging mechanism) within your application.

The Config module(among other things) enhances/uses the standard python logging package - especially the ability to log messages to a stream-socket.

This package/the herald package adds mechanisms to:

  • put these messages into a central database (bridge)

  • route/bridge these messages to additional destinations (bridge)

  • display in a web-server (herald)

  • take actions on special messages (neelix)

  • take actions on lost system heartbeat (neelix)

The tasks of the tools implemented within that package will be explained with the following picture .


If a program is running - let that program be named job or service (within the picture those programs are named job_[a,b,x,1,2] in column 4 (Production environment Runtime) ) it emits logging-messages (via the ps.basic.Config module).

Those logging messages are :

received by the ps_bridge daemon and inserted into a local sqlite database e.g. herald_db_d.

Those messages/events can be displayed/searched via herald.

Those messages/events can be analyzed and further events could be triggered by neelix.


The ps_bridge module allows for “duplication” of event streams - meaning it is possible to insert logging messages into the local database AND to additionaly send that message to another bridge (possibly residing on another machine/port). It is possible to route those message through different ssh tunnels - so that on the different levels of trust - the messages of the behind system could be analyzed. This is shown in the following picture.



ps_herald is a flask-based ( web micro-framework, enabling us to display logging messages of the participating systems/services.

It uses sqlachemy to access the sqlite database.

ps_herald listens for html-requests (normally issued by an user-interface e.g. firefox/safari/chrome …) and returns corresponding log-messages.

The following picture shows a screenshot for the usage of herald within google-chrome …


Herald displays the messages of the “correlated” services in a table-format.

From left to right you see:

  • date and time of insertion of the logging message into the database

  • logging level

  • service-name , machine-name and user_defined system-name

  • Application-specific logging fields

  • package name and version, function name, line number

  • logging message

  • stack-trace


The ps_bridge executable:

  • listens on a stage specific network socket

  • receives logging messages

    • puts them into a local sqlite database

    • eventually (bridge-mode) forwards the message to another socket endpoint.


The ps_neelix executable reads it’s config file where services and ‘reactions’ are defined.

Next it consults it’s stage specific sqlite database and checks if ‘reactions’ are needed e.g. email a responsible admin, that the heartbeat of a service has been lost.

Install the package within a private virtualenv

To install the herald-package and it’s services, we first create a new directory e.g. $HOME/nodename/ps.herald_$BUILD_DATE, copy the following template to that directory and than execute the skript.

#The Content of $HOME/.pip/pip.conf is
#index_url =${DEV_STAGE}/+simple/
# and so points to the staging devpi server

/bin/rm -fR ovenv
mv venv ovenv

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install ps.basic
pip install ps.herald

Maybe we establish a link in $HOME/nodename so that, in called scripts, we could use that link.

ln -s ps.herald ps.herald_$BUILD_DATE

Integrating restart and invocation of neelix/herald/bridge with a local crontab

Beneath an example how herald,ssh-tunnel, bridge and neelix currently are (re)started on sulu


# The ssh tunnel for the bridge bringing the data on port 9017 of the eu_cloud machine to the loacal bridge
01,17,24,36,45,51,10 * * * 0-6     ssh -f -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -R 9017:localhost:9024 eu_cloud -N > /home/hcn/ssh_tunnel.log  2>&1
4 */2 * * 0-7                      export DEV_STAGE=PRODUCTION; cd /home/hcn/HCN_DataTransfer/u14_20170801; source venv/bin/activate && ps_neelix                      > neelix.log 2>&1
04,16,36,44,51,01  * * * 0-7       export DEV_STAGE=PRODUCTION; cd /home/hcn/HCN_DataTransfer/u14_20170801; source venv/bin/activate && ps.herald                      > herald.log 2>&1
05,15,21,34,46,50,02  * * * 0-7    export DEV_STAGE=PRODUCTION; cd /home/hcn/HCN_DataTransfer/u14_20170801; source venv/bin/activate && ps_bridge -s 1309600 -r 1024   > bridge.log 2>&1