Source code for ps.herald.ps_bridge

import asyncio

import datetime
import os
import pickle
import pprint
import struct
import socket
import sys
import traceback

import click
from ps.basic import Config

from ps.herald import __version__
from ps.herald import database
from ps.herald import create_app
from ps.herald.model import Log

minimal_msg_fields = [

CLIENTS = {}  # asynchronous tasks are "remembered here"

AGE = False
ROUND = 1024
SOCKE = None

[docs]def client_connected_handler(client_reader, client_writer): """Start a new asyncio.Task to handle this specific client connection""" task = asyncio.Task(handle_client(client_reader, client_writer)) CLIENTS[task] = (client_reader, client_writer) def client_done(task): """When the tasks that handles the specific client connection is done. """ del CLIENTS[task] # Add the client_done callback to be run when the future becomes done task.add_done_callback(client_done)
[docs]@asyncio.coroutine def handle_client(client_reader, client_writer): """Runs for each client connected. The first 4 bytes of the message define the total length of the message. Hence in the first step, the first four bytes are read and then the rest of the message. This "rest" of the message is depickled and stored in the database. If the "bridge-mode" is enabled, the "byte-buffer" (first 4 bytes plus the rest of the message is also sent to another socket - the bridge socket. """ global SOCKE, SESSION, VERBOSE, BRIDGE_MODE, AGE, ROUND current_round = 0 session = database.get_session() # Config.logger.debug("new client connected", extra={"package_version": __version__}) new_connection = True while True: if VERBOSE: print(f"Got msg new_connection is {new_connection}") current_round += 1 data1 = yield from ( if not data1: break if len(data1) < 4: print("Did not receive First 4 Bytes of message") raise AttributeError slen = struct.unpack(">L", data1)[0] data2 = yield from ( if BRIDGE_MODE: print_to_tunnel(data1 + data2) obj = pickle.loads(data2) dt = obj["created"] = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") # make sure we have at list None values in the list # - some older python instances may drop values ... lowered_obj = {k: str(None) for k in minimal_msg_fields} try: for name, value in obj.items(): if name == "msg": name = "message" value = value.replace("\u2018", " ").replace("\u2019", " ") value = str(value).replace("'", " ").replace('"', " ") if name == "args": value = "" if value is None: lowered_obj[name.lower()] = str(value) else: lowered_obj[name.lower()] = value if VERBOSE: print(name.lower(), " ", value) lowered_obj["summary"] = ( str("None") + lowered_obj["produkt_id"] + lowered_obj["system_id"] + lowered_obj["sub_system_id"] + lowered_obj["sub_sub_system_id"] + lowered_obj["user_spec_1"] + lowered_obj["user_spec_2"] ) if VERBOSE: print(pprint.pformat(lowered_obj)) row = Log(**lowered_obj) session = database.get_session() session.add(row) session.commit() if new_connection: new_connection = False Config.logger.debug( "new client connected from %s on %s " % (lowered_obj["system_id"], lowered_obj["sub_system_id"]), extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) except Exception as e: Config.logger.exception( "Error: while writing to database/elasticsearch", extra={"package_version": __version__}, ) print(lowered_obj) traceback.print_exc(e, file=sys.stderr) session.rollback() continue if VERBOSE: print("Added a row") # if lowered_obj["module]" != 'ps_bridge': # Config.logger.debug( # "row added", extra={"package_version": __version__} # ) sys.stdout.flush() if AGE and 0 == (current_round % ROUND): current_round = 0 start_date = str( - datetime.timedelta(seconds=AGE) ) to_del = Log.query.filter(Log.created < start_date).delete() sys.stdout.write("OK: %s rows deleted" % (to_del))
@click.command() @click.option( "--extra", "-x", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="internal tests only", ) @click.option( "--verbose", "-v", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="set verbose mode", ) @click.option( "--debug", "-d", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="set debug mode", ) @click.option( "--bridge", "-b", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="set bridge mode", ) @click.option( "--rounds", "-r", type=int, help="check for messages to delete after that amount of inserts", ) @click.option( "--seconds", "-s", type=int, help="delete messages older than age seconds while running \ ( a week are 604800 seconds)", ) def main(extra, verbose, debug, bridge, rounds, seconds): """ The Bridge module receives messages emited with the Standard Python logging StreamHandler. These messages are stored in a database. The logging events lateron can be analyzed e.g. with the herald Server. To use the bridge-functionality it might be needed to establish a tunnel to another machine """ global VERBOSE, BRIDGE_MODE, AGE, ROUND VERBOSE = verbose BRIDGE_MODE = bridge AGE = seconds ROUND = rounds click.echo("ps_bridge. Debug mode is %s" % ("on" if debug else "off")) if extra: return 0 app = create_app("ps_bridge") Config.logger.debug("started", extra={"package_version": __version__}) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() sys.stdout.flush() print("will listen on %d" % (Config.logging_port)) with app.app_context(): if not os.path.isfile(Config.herald_sqlite_filename): database.init_db() print("Database initted") Config.logger.debug( "database initted,", extra={"package_version": __version__} ) loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.start_server( client_connected_handler, "", Config.logging_port ) ) try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.close() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())